Friday, October 31, 2008

A Happy Halloween

We dressed up at work today for Halloween and later tonight we went to a party. We took the pictures at midnight and we've been wearing the costumes since 7 this morning so we look very exhausted and not put together the best. I forgot to bring the camera with us all day. I was a ghostbuster (jon's costume last year) and Jon was santa. I also included a picture of last years costumes because I really liked them. Jon was so excited for his costume. I think he looks great. It was fitting because he is the toys department manager at walmart. All day little kids were thrilled to see santa already. They even thought it was santa when Jon wasn't wearing the beard and wig, just the hat. It was really cute. He got permission from work to wear the costume throughout the christmas season. He's also excited because he gets to wear wrestling belts and fly motorized airplanes in the store to help advertise for toys. Don't worry, he really does do a lot of work, he just gets to schedule in paid "play time" now.


Joe'n'Jess said...

Fun costumes! I also liked the ones from last year, you look so sexy.